Friday, February 14, 2014

High School Sucks Sometimes

I apologize in advance.  This post isn't going to be funny or entertaining or anything like that.  This is something, like my last rant, that I need to get off my chest because it's been bothering me.

High school is tough.  There are so many things that you have to do to be considered successful: good grades, hard classes, extracurriculars, community service, and a job.  Also, there's that whole social life thing.  We all say we have no social life, but that doesn't mean we don't need one.  Without my friends to rant to, I would be a charred lump from all the steam, anger, and frustrations boiling up inside me.  There's so much going on in high school, and whatever you do, you're expected to do it intensely and to your highest potential.  How is that supposed to work?

School this week has been awful.  There have been tests, quizzes, and homework, and to top it all off I've been sick.  Volleyball practice has been frustrating, which is my fault, and I never see my friends.  I really need a break, but surprise surprise, I have homework over the break too.

I just am really frustrated with the whole thing.  School is obviously my first priority, and I spend hours every day doing homework and studying for tests.  Since I'm taking all the hardest classes there are, this can sometimes be difficult.  Then I've got volleyball practice.  I really want to improve, but when you're tired sometimes your heart's not in it.  I need to work harder there.  Then there's community service, which you need at least 20 hours of.  I don't have a job, but it's recommended in high school.  I'm feeling overwhelmed and pressured, and I don't have anyone to talk to because I never have time to see my friends so we're growing apart.

How are high schoolers supposed to manage everything?  It's considered perfectly normal to be carrying a weight like mine around.  It's a part of high school to be stressed.  I get so depressed every time I think about how stressed I am and then remember that high school is the easiest part of life.  Just please no.

Hopefully, this break will be a needed refresher for me.  Instead of the routine being school, school, school, homework, food, homework, volleyball, homework, it'll be more like bed, TV, homework, TV, homework, food, TV, homework.  We'll see how it goes.

High school sucks sometimes.

Just sayin.'

God, I'm so sorry for this post, guys.  Feel free to comment and make me feel like I'm not alone, then forget this post ever happened.  Thanks. ;)

But let's end on a high note.  This picture cracks me up every time.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I totally understand :) I'm happy that you get a break though - even if you do have homework, it'll be well deserved.

    I agree with everything you said and you are not alone :) This weekend I have to make notecards, do an outline, and read a 30 page chapter for APHG, and do a three-page summary and get together my notecards and bibliography for my six page research paper in English. I wish I had a week off! Thank goodness soccer is over for me though - I'd be totally overwhelmed otherwise.

    I hope you feel better and that you get done will all your homework and enjoy your break :) Happy late Valentine's Day!
