Thursday, February 6, 2014

Volleyball Swag

So.  I've told you about my school life and I've told you about my nonexistent social life, but I haven't really talked to you guys about my sport, volleyball.  Since I am one of two people at our school who plays for a different club than everyone else, maybe you guys are curious about what volleyball's like for me.  Or maybe you just want to know what volleyball is like in general.  Or maybe you just don't care.

I play for Club V, which is down in Woods Cross.  In earlier years, I played for Club Elevate, which is up here in Park City.  This year, I wanted to branch out and play with new people, new coaches, and have new experiences.  So far, I'm loving it!  It's just so much more official, organized, and positive than any other club I've played with.

The one thing about playing for Club V that I'm not thrilled about is the commute.  It's about 35 minutes each way, and since we always plan to be there early, I'm gone from the house for four hours, even though practice is only two.  But I carpool with three girls, and we have fun.  Mostly we talk about Candy Crush.

So...  My team.  They're awesome.  My teammates are the kinds of people who blast "Let it Go" from Frozen in the car, roll down the windows, and belt it out to the surrounding cars.

True story.

We all have a ton of fun and laugh a lot, but we definitely focus too.  One thing I love about my team is that we can pick ourselves back up.  If we lose a few points, we can get back in there instead of giving up and tanking the whole thing.

Okay, I know what you're thinking.  Why the heck does Julia play volleyball?  She's SHORT.  I can get away with playing volleyball because I'm libero.  For those of you who are not volleyball literate, libero is the short person who only plays back row and wears a different colored jersey.  I switch off between libero and DS (Defensive Specialist), who plays back row for the outside hitter.

That's the USA 2012 Olympic Team.  Photo courtesy of I Got Nothing
Speaking of jerseys, Club V's jerseys are awesome!  We get two, so that we can switch for different tournaments, and also so if there are multiple Club V teams at a tournament we can tell the teams apart.  This is a legitimate problem, since Club V has about 50 teams, with 10 or so for my age group.

I play volleyball because there is no other feeling like digging a perfect ball off a hard hit, or slamming the ball down as hard as you can.  There's no other game that has so much excitement for so much of the time.  Volleyball is basically the best sport ever.

Just sayin'.


  1. I think what you meant to say was:
    Volleyball is basically the best sport ever...besides soccer ;)

  2. Just sayin' Candy Crush is the greatest game EVER!!! And you could say I'm addicted to it...

  3. Umm yeah Molly and Julia: I think you guys mean that volleyball and soccer are the best sports ever...after ski racing. ;)

  4. You guys lets be honest here, all y'all were watching the luge races with me in class, soooo who's the winner here? jk I do love volleyball

  5. These comments make me think "only in Park City"!
