Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How to Stalk Yourself on the Internet

So.  For some random reason (Actually I got the idea from Audrey's blog), I decided to go to Google images and look up everyone's blog to see what turned up.  I was very specific and put in the URL so that the pictures weren't mixed in with a bunch of other crap.  So here we go:

Audrey's blog:

Almost all of these are actually from her blog.  Almost.

Sydney's Blog:

Here we see some of the beautiful selfies Sydney has taken... and then that one random person.

Pauline's Blog:

Can you turn a glass of water upside down without spilling?  Yes.

Jess's Blog:

Here we see the artistic ability of Jess, which we all wish we could have.

Morgan's Blog:

Some pictures in the first row are actually from Morgan's blog, and then we see what looks like a bunch of random men's mug shots.  So I don't know.

My Blog:

Do you see that?  No?  I'm not surprised.  Literally the only thing that came up for my blog was my favicon.  My favicon.  The little picture at the top of the tab.  Wow, I feel special.

My OTHER Blog:

Well, sucks to suck here, cuz all of these pictures are actually from my blog.

So, if you are bored and really want a way to get out of homework, go google your blog and see what comes up.  It may excite you.  It may depress you.

Just sayin'.

Don't worry guys, another post is coming this week.  I pinky promise.

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