Friday, May 9, 2014

The Do's and Don'ts of Ninth Grade

I just spent the afternoon alone in my room cracking up out loud at pictures on Pinterest.

My life is so sad.

Anyway, freshman year of high school is almost over.  I don't really know how to feel about it.  Just kidding, I'm thrilled we're almost done.  I'll probably change my mind in the summer when I'm so lazy that I hate myself, or next year when school is even worse than this year, but for now I'm happy that ninth grade is almost done.  And I have to say, I've learned a lot this year.  Not all of it has been from class.  So, here are the do's and don'ts of ninth grade.


Do do your homework.  (Hehe, doodoo)

Image courtesy of Instructables

Do make nerdy booty jokes whenever possible.  Is your booty a basic industry?  'Cause your booty brings all the boys to town.

Do try to balance sleep, school, sports and your social life.

Funny...  Gif courtesy of 

Do be rebellious once in a while.  Like the time Molly and I skipped advisory to go to the Poetry Slam in seventh grade.  A literature contest.

Do study for the AP test like an intellectual badass.

Like so.

Do play Let's Kill Sally in Biology class.

Do secure your dominance over eighth graders whenever possible.

Do exude swag at all times.

Sheldon knows how.  Image courtesy of this website


Don't be sick.  You will regret it for the rest of your life.  Or however long it takes to make up the work.

Image courtesy of HS Memes

Don't switch into AP Geography second semester.  You'll have to make up the first half of the book.  Just take it from the beginning; it's an awesome class.

Don't take other people's lunch tables.

I'm serious.  Image courtesy of Quick Meme

Don't sit up in your bus seat and get in the Snapchat frame of the person in front of you.  They'll see you, make eye contact, and all of a sudden you're the awkward creeper person.

Don't get a bottom locker.  Just don't.

Don't sacrifice your sleep, sanity and soul for a 4.0.

Gif courtesy of MRW Gifs
That is the extent of my high school expertise so far.  I know, it's extensive.

Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. Eight graders need to see this list! Especially the part about not taking our lunch tables!
