Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Julia Explains "Shipping" to her Parents

So here we all are, sitting at the dinner table, having normal dinner conversations.  Which for my family means we were talking about the day in the future that my younger sister Erin will be asked to prom by my friend Ashley's brother Cole.  It is going to happen.  They are our OTP.  So I was like, "Ashley and I TOTALLY ship them."  And the table is quiet.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

My Life as Described by TFIOS Quotes

Okay guys, time for a serious post.

I honestly don't know if anyone even reads this anymore, but I guess why not pour my heart out into a blog post, right?

So anyway.  These past couple days have been crazy for me.  It's been such an emotional roller coaster and I'm still a little bit in shock.  But whenever a new plot twist in my real life story happened, I kept using The Fault in Our Stars quotes.  And they fit the situation perfectly.  It was weird man.  And yes, I did say every one of them out loud.  So here goes.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How to Bring Your Fandom on Vacation

Hey guys.  So I've been back in the US of A for about a week now, and I'm very avidly wishing I wasn't.  Don't get me wrong, I love my friends and my home, but foreign country = no responsibilities, and I'm not really in the mood for responsibilities right now.  I miss the summers where you could go for a week without getting out of your pajamas.  RESPONSIBILITIES ARE NOT FUN.  AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS.

But anyway.  Back to the trip.  We were in Norway, the country of Frozen and What Does the Fox Say, for a week and a half, and needless to say it was the most beautiful country I've ever been in.

One of about 2 thousand photos
But, as every fangirl knows, fandoms do not present themselves only when it is convenient.  Where you go, the feels follow.  You will be thinking about Hazel and Gus and Katniss and Peeta and Gale and Tris and Four and Gwendolyn and Gideon and everyone else. So, without further ado, here is:

How to Bring Your Fandom on Vacation

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Idioms. They Don't Translate

Hallo.  As you may or may not know, I have spent the last two and a half weeks in Germany, and tomorrow we're going to Norway for a week.  Yup.  Being bilingual, I like to notice differences in sentence structure or specific words between English and German.  That didn't seem so nerdy in my head.  But anyways, I have realized that idioms.  Do.  Not.  Translate.  Like, if a foreigner came to good ole Murica, they would be genuinely perplexed if you said you had a cup of Joe for breakfast.

Image courtesy of Meme Generator

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Joys of International Flights

Hey y'all.  Yours truly is currently writing from Leverkusen, Germany.  Whoop whoop!  Do you know how I got here? A 4-hour flight, 5-hour layover, an 8-hour flight, and a 30-minute car ride.  It sucked.

So I figured most of us here have ridden in a plane before, even if it wasn't international.  And we can all relate to the joys and woes of airports and airplanes.  So, here are things I think during the adventure of getting from one place to another using this joyful method of transportation.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Okay guys.  In my last post, I talked about how this blog is going to be over, and I'll be switching to my other blog.  But.

I changed my mind.

I like this blog.  And I like you guys.  And I thought we'd keep the party where it's already at.  So yay!


And I know that half of you will probably stop reading my blog, because you won't be writing your own blog and will forget about everyone else's blogs you used to stalk, but if you ever feel the need to visit some weird randomness, my blog will be waiting for you in this little corner of the blogosphere.

And since school is almost over, I thought I'd leave you with some pictures.

Friday, May 16, 2014

It's Been Real

It is a sad day in this corner of the blogosphere.  The school year is coming to a close (that's not why I'm sad) and Just Sayin' is having its last say today (that's why I'm sad).  I have loved ranting and making lists and everything else for you guys to read.  We've really made a connection this year, wouldn't ya say?  But anyway, as the last post of the school year, it's time to reflect.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How to Stalk Yourself on the Internet

So.  For some random reason (Actually I got the idea from Audrey's blog), I decided to go to Google images and look up everyone's blog to see what turned up.  I was very specific and put in the URL so that the pictures weren't mixed in with a bunch of other crap.  So here we go:

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Do's and Don'ts of Ninth Grade

I just spent the afternoon alone in my room cracking up out loud at pictures on Pinterest.

My life is so sad.

Anyway, freshman year of high school is almost over.  I don't really know how to feel about it.  Just kidding, I'm thrilled we're almost done.  I'll probably change my mind in the summer when I'm so lazy that I hate myself, or next year when school is even worse than this year, but for now I'm happy that ninth grade is almost done.  And I have to say, I've learned a lot this year.  Not all of it has been from class.  So, here are the do's and don'ts of ninth grade.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The High School Hallway is a Dangerous Place

Let's face it: we all get a little ticked while at school.  We've all thought "God, I HATE people!"  And we all know what those despised people need to do to tick us off.  So, the National Sucks to Suck Foundation presents: how to annoy the crap out of an already annoyed group of tired teenagers stuck at junior high school.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Well That's Nice

I would just like to take a minute to appreciate one of the questions (but mostly one of the possible answers) in the Barron's book AP Geography practice test.

The answer is C, by the way

I think the Barron's book writers were going through a phase...

Just sayin'.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Awko Taco

Hallo, wie gehts?  Mir geht es gut.  Ich freue mich, weil der schuljahr fast vorbei ist.  Leider haben wir aber zuerst noch viele arbeiten zu schreiben.

My goal was to totally confuse you with that intro.  Do you know why?  Because that is what awkward people do.  Amongst other things.  These other things are the topic of this post!  From the experts, here are how to achieve your wildest dreams and be awkward!


That one's for Molly.  Image courtesy of Meme Center

Monday, April 21, 2014

Random Things I Really Need to Get Off My Chest

Hi guys.  I think my brain is imploding or something, and I kind of have to rant.  Consider yourself warned.

Monday, April 7, 2014

You Know You're a High School Student When

Hi everyone!  It is fourth quarter, for those of you who didn't know.  Ha, who am I kidding, I'm pretty sure it's impossible not to know it's fourth quarter.  You know all those tests and projects and essays and stuff you've been doing all year?  Well, we thought that might let up a little bit fourth quarter.  Instead, it's gotten worse.

Basically.  Image courtesy of Quick Meme
But if there's one thing we've gotten out of it, I feel like we freshmen have kind of bonded in some sort of let's all face the suckiness together party.  Or maybe I'm crazy.  But anyway, here's a list of things that, as a high school student, you have probably experienced.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

In Case You Wanted to Know (Which You Probably Didn't)

Hi everyone.  So.  I've decided that this post should be about me, in case you wanted to know more about the psycho behind the blog that you are reading.  The thing is, you probably don't want to know. Consider yourself warned.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Dear [Insert Object Here]

Purple orangutans.  Sorry, I have a problem with starting blog posts.  Here are things that I feel the need to tell certain human beings and inanimate objects, not necessarily in that order.  So:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Life in Pictures

So.  My day starts at 5:50 am, when I am basically this:

Image courtesy of Raisin Bun

Monday, March 17, 2014

Even MORE Volleyball Swag

Hi everyone!  So this past weekend my volleyball team had a two-day tournament, which was super awesome.  I wrote a post about volleyball a few weeks ago, and now I have an interesting story and some pictures! :) So:

Monday, March 10, 2014

That awkward moment when you walk through the metal detectors at the airport and your abs of steel set them off

I have a love-hate relationship with the gym.  I mean, on one hand it's this really awesome way to get healthy and all that.  But on the other hand it's an evil torture place.  So here are some things I think while I'm at the wonderful place called the gym.  I hope I'm not alone.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Many Fails of Me - Part 2

Well.  Hello there.  My wonderful friend Sydney asked me to write a part 2 of the Many Fails of Me post, so that you guys have more stuff to laugh at me for.  Since I am such a wonderful person, I obliged.  So here ya go:

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Many Fails of Me

If you know me, you know how I fail at a lot of things.  If you don't know me, then you're about to.  I'm clumsy, I'm socially awkward, I'm weird, I'm nerdy, and I just have these what-the-heck moments.  Here is a list of things I am bad at or have embarrassed myself by doing so you can laugh at me.  You're welcome.

Friday, February 14, 2014

High School Sucks Sometimes

I apologize in advance.  This post isn't going to be funny or entertaining or anything like that.  This is something, like my last rant, that I need to get off my chest because it's been bothering me.

High school is tough.  There are so many things that you have to do to be considered successful: good grades, hard classes, extracurriculars, community service, and a job.  Also, there's that whole social life thing.  We all say we have no social life, but that doesn't mean we don't need one.  Without my friends to rant to, I would be a charred lump from all the steam, anger, and frustrations boiling up inside me.  There's so much going on in high school, and whatever you do, you're expected to do it intensely and to your highest potential.  How is that supposed to work?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Volleyball Swag

So.  I've told you about my school life and I've told you about my nonexistent social life, but I haven't really talked to you guys about my sport, volleyball.  Since I am one of two people at our school who plays for a different club than everyone else, maybe you guys are curious about what volleyball's like for me.  Or maybe you just want to know what volleyball is like in general.  Or maybe you just don't care.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Brain Things in the Head

Words words words words words words words

Phew.  Got the opening sentence over with!

The SATs and ACTs are pretty much the funnest tests ever.  JUST KIDDING.  (And yes, I know 'funnest' isn't a word, but I'm a rebel and I do what I want.)  Anyway, I've taken each test twice, and I have friends who have taken them too.  Yep, we nerds party hard.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Only in Park City

Hey y'all!  Long time no see!  I'm really sorry about not posting in so long.  I've been meaning to, I pinky promise!

I've lived in Park City for about eight years, and in those eight years I've come to the conclusion that our town is a little bit. . . special.

Image courtesy of Merriam-Webster

Park City is definitely different from most places.  Sometimes it's hard for me to see that, since I've spent the majority of my life here, but some things that people here take for granted are seen as highly unusual in other places.  So, here is a list of things that only happen in Park City!