Monday, April 7, 2014

You Know You're a High School Student When

Hi everyone!  It is fourth quarter, for those of you who didn't know.  Ha, who am I kidding, I'm pretty sure it's impossible not to know it's fourth quarter.  You know all those tests and projects and essays and stuff you've been doing all year?  Well, we thought that might let up a little bit fourth quarter.  Instead, it's gotten worse.

Basically.  Image courtesy of Quick Meme
But if there's one thing we've gotten out of it, I feel like we freshmen have kind of bonded in some sort of let's all face the suckiness together party.  Or maybe I'm crazy.  But anyway, here's a list of things that, as a high school student, you have probably experienced.


1. You know you're a high school student when you have said these phrases at least a million times over the course of the year:
I'm tired
I'm cold
I don't get it
I don't have time
This sucks
I want to go home and sleep
I'm so screwed
What was the homework?
I don't wanna go to math

2. You know you're a high school student when you look like this every morning:

Or at least you feel like that.  Image courtesy of  Know Your Meme
3. You know you're a high school student when you know that sleep isn't a right or a privilege.  It's a luxury.

4. You know you're a high school student when you know that the best feeling in the entire world (other than ziplining from the Hub through Chicago of course) is when you finish that big paper or project and end those weeks of suffering.

You are one happy snowman when you finish.  Image courtesy of Hitflix 
5. You know you're a high school student when you speak the language of complaints fluently (see #1).

6. You know you're a high school student when your best friend in the entire world is Quizlet.

7. You know you're a Divergent-obsessed high school student when this was you after finishing Allegiant:

Gif courtesy of Hello Giggles

And then this:

Image courtesy of Wallpoper

8. You know you're a high school student when you often go through the day like this:

Image courtesy of Mental Floss
9. You know you're a high school student when the best part of the day is the ten minutes you get to talk to your friends.

10. You know you're a high school student when you crave food every minute of every hour.

11. You know you're a high school student when you understand that homework isn't just a thing, it's a way of life.

12. You know you're a high school student when the only thing keeping you going is break.

I know why.  Image courtesy of Giphy
13. You know you're a high school student when you have spent more quality time with your AP Geography textbook than with your friends this year.

14. You know you're a high school student when you don't understand how life goes on without internet.

15. You know you're a high school student when you sometimes feel a little discombobulated.

Image courtesy of Giphy
High school is an experience that will scar us for life.  But that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Just sayin'.

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