Monday, March 17, 2014

Even MORE Volleyball Swag

Hi everyone!  So this past weekend my volleyball team had a two-day tournament, which was super awesome.  I wrote a post about volleyball a few weeks ago, and now I have an interesting story and some pictures! :) So:

The first day, we won all our matches except one, which we split.  For those of you who know 0 about volleyball (which is probably all of you), volleyball matches in pool play (non-elimination) are two sets to 25, win by 2 points, and elimination games are best out of three sets.  Since we were tied for first in our pool, we had to play the other team again.  We lost, but just barely.  So the second day we went to the silver division.

The second day things got interesting.  A few games in, Keira, our middle and one of our best players, sprained her ankle really badly and couldn't play.  We only had seven players at the time (instead of our usual eight), and I was playing libero.  Libero is the defensive specialist who can only play back row.  So, since we were then down to six, I had to throw my second jersey over my other one (since liberos wear an opposite colored jersey) and had to play middle for the rest of that game.

For those of you who don't know, liberos and middles don't mix.  Liberos are the shortest people on the team who do all the passing and digging, and middles are the tallest people on the team who do all the hitting and blocking.  Like no.

Are you seeing the height difference here?  Photo courtesy of  Yahoo
So I played middle for the rest of that game.  From then on, our usual outside hitter played middle, and I played outside hitter.  A libero moving to play hitter is pretty rare.  We were all playing different positions and had to deal with learning some new rotations, and we were missing one of our best players.  Also we had a substitute coach, but that wasn't a problem because she was awesome.

So, we barely finished first in our pool, and then we went into tournament play.  We all wanted medals SO FREAKING BADLY.  So we had our game faces on:

Let's do this thing.  Image courtesy of Youtube
We worked so hard, and guess what?  WE WON!!!!  We played the team that we played when Keira sprained her ankle for the final, which was cool.  Our cheer beforehand was "AVENGE KEIRA!" which is perfect for many reasons:

1. We were playing in Keira's honor since she couldn't play.
2. This was a rematch of the team we were playing when Keira got hurt.
3. Our team name is the Avengers.

It was the best moment ever.  We got gold in the silver division, so maybe that makes us silver medalists, but our medals are like orange, so I don't even know.

Now here is the part you guys actually care about:  Pictures!  I don't have any action shots, but now you can see what my team looks like and how awesome we are.  Also strange.

You're welcome for posting this on the internet.

We were obviously really focused refs


Team Selfie

This is probably our best picture.  Aren't our jerseys awesome?
Those were during the first day of the tournament.  Day 2:


Biting our medals like the bosses we are.
Okay.  So if you know nothing about volleyball, this was probably really boring, but I really had to share it because it was super exciting for me, and I never win anything sports-wise, and it was super fun and exhilarating, and I love my teammates, and volleyball, and YAY!!!!!

My team is freaking awesome.

Just sayin'.

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