Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Many Fails of Me - Part 2

Well.  Hello there.  My wonderful friend Sydney asked me to write a part 2 of the Many Fails of Me post, so that you guys have more stuff to laugh at me for.  Since I am such a wonderful person, I obliged.  So here ya go:

1. Flappy Bird.  I usually play this on Sydney's phone, since I unfortunately don't have a smart phone myself, but I recently found out you can play it online.  Flappy Bird is easily the single most frustrating game on the planet.  My record is 13.  Note that's the record, not the average.  The average is probably like a 1.5.

2. My eyes.  My eyes are pretty bad at being eyes.  One is prescription -2.75 and the other is -3.00.  So yeah, if I'm not wearing glasses or contacts, the world becomes a fuzzy cloud.  But not a happy fuzzy cloud.  An evil, foggy cloud.  It's actually pretty terrifying to walk around and see the couches as blobs, the table as a weird shape and words as lines, if I can see those at all.  Here's the lesson of the story: don't have bad eyes.

3. Over-emotional attachment.  I'm the person who cries during movies and books, who can't give away their stuffed animal from when they were five, and who feels bad for inanimate objects.  It's mostly the book thing, though.  There are people in this world who are like, "Yeah, I don't really cry during books.  They're not really that sad."  I am not that person.  I just finished The Fault in Our Stars, and I bawled so much during the last 25% of it that my pillow was really wet.

4. Doing hair.  Now you know why my hair is down every.  Single.  Day.  My fanciest hairstyle?  A ponytail.  And don't ask me if I can braid my own hair.

5. That one time.  In seventh grade, 7 Blue was doing this Awesome Student Yay award.  They called Julia, so I stood up.  So did the other Julia.  Confusion ensued.  The other Julia started walking up at the same time I did, and then she turned and walked back, thinking it was me.  I, meanwhile, stood around like a bewildered idiot.  Turns out the award was for the other Julia.

6. Science.  I hate science.  I've never really had a good science teacher, which may be part of it, but I think that science is either boring or confusing.  So I'm not all that wonderful at it.  Maybe part of it is that instead of listening in class, I talk to my really awesome table group.  Nah, that's not it.

7. Remembering things.  I'm that person who is like, "Oh my gosh, I have the coolest thing to tell you!  Hold on, let me think of it.  Wait for it...  Wait for it...  Nevermind I forgot."

8. More Germany.  There is really no end to the amount of fails I have experienced in that country.  There's the time that I got stuck in my grandparents' tree (my sister could climb it just fine), the time I couldn't find my class (they went to the computer lab without me knowing) and had to ditch by spending the period in the library, and the time I accidentally locked myself out of the house and had to climb over the barbed wire fence into the backyard.  Oh, and then there's the day I arrived in Germany, when I was so jetlagged I fell asleep on my bed like this:


9. Thinking of blog post ideas.  Thanks, Sydney, for giving me my blog post idea this week! ;) I get all of my brilliant ideas either when I'm in the shower or about to fall asleep, so....
*About to fall asleep* OMG I have the funniest idea for a blog post!  I could do this, and this, and this...
*Time to write post* I have no freaking clue what to write.

10. Painting nails.  I'm really not that great at it.  Also, the last time I tried to paint my nails, I managed to drop the bottle of nail polish (into the sink, luckily), where it got all over my hands and the sink.  I didn't paint my nails that day, in case you were wondering.

So, in case my first post didn't persuade you of this already, I am an experienced person in the world of fails.

Just sayin'.


  1. How about you making coffee? That's always a good fail. ;)

  2. What am I, an attachment to the table? I thought I was accepted by you four. This is hurtful. I thought we were friends. ;)
